Practice Tips for Lawyers

Making Your Law Practice Purposeful and Profitable

Lawyers: Client Reminder Calls

2019-11-12T11:18:37-08:00March 24, 2019|Managing Your Legal Clients|

Making a call to a client to remind them of their appointment to see you will make you money. We, as lawyers, cannot charge clients for No Shows, so the only way an attorney to can make money is if the client keeps the appointment. Appointment reminder calls are [...]

How A Legal Assistant Will Make You Money

2019-11-12T11:18:34-08:00March 15, 2019|Managing Your Law Firm|

A lot of attorneys are reluctant to hire a legal assistant. They just do not want to carry that much overhead, but hiring a legal assistant will actually make you money. A good legal assistant will cost $40,000 to $50,000 a year. So how can they make you money? [...]